Tuesday, March 13, 2018

My Daily Reflections - They don't wear black hats!

The bad guys in our lives don’t wear black hats.  They are actually quite ordinary looking.  They don’t have flashing signs that tell you who they are!

If they didn’t appear “nice” then they would not be able to get close enough to us to harm us!

They are masters of disguise!  They can fool us into letting our guard down!

When the abuse begins, they have already conned us into believing they have values that are similar to ours. It is our trust that then allows them to get close enough to be in a position to manipulate and harm us.  

The abuse tends to happen when there is no one there to witness the abuse so they can continue to pretend to be who they are not and thus they are able to make you appear to be the crazy one.

The only way to recognize the abuse is by:

1/  having boundaries and
2/  analyzing which of your boundaries is being violated.
3/  pointing out that your boundary has been violated
4/  watch what they do in response you’re your pointing out the boundary violation.

A good person will apologize for having crossed your boundary.
A bad person will find some way to make you feel either that you deserved it or that you are crazy for feeling upset by what they did to you.

If they have gotten away with such behaviour in the past; when you first call them on it they will be very upset with you and will really try to make you out to be the bad person for exposing their behaviour.  

An abusive person does not apologize for being abusive; they simply imply that you deserved it.  That if you had behaved differently then they would not have needed to be abusive.  Thus controlling you and manipulating your reality.

When this happens you have to get good at looking beyond their “normal looking” façade and take steps to protect yourself from further abuse.

How much easier life would be if bad people looked evil!

Renate Dundys Marrello
2018 – 03 – 13   

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